Marcus Petruska -- Drummer/Educator/Artist
Artist | Album |
Zac Brown Band | The Foundation |
Zac Brown Band | Live From the Rock Bus |
Zac Brown Band | Home Grown |
Corey Smith | The Broken Record |
Corey Smith | Outtakes From the GA Theatre |
Corey Smith | Keeping Up With the Joneses |
Tyler Reeve | One More Shot |
Billy Pilgrim | In the Time Machine |
Seven Circle Sunrise | Beauty in Being Alone |
Stevie Monce | The Broadcast |
Donald Dunlavey | Bon Appetone |
Donna Hopkins | Free to Go |
Garrison Field | Dawn |
Garrison Field | Open |
Big Atomic | Sketches From the Rise of @ |
Big Atomic | Wrestling the Dragon and the Rat |
Sam Thacker | Above the Underneath |
Brighter Shade | Brighter Shade |
Timothy O'Donovan | Souvenirs |
Sally Smithwick | All of the Above |
Will Boney Band | I Believe |
The Adventures of Kayla and Steve | Cross the Bridge |
Christopher Allen Yates | Familiar Fire |
Brian Wiltsey | Rain and Flies |
Francisco Vidal Band | Growing Up |
Jackson Rohm | Sink or Swim |
Justin | Room to Lie |
Lola Gulley | The Blues Chose Me |
Father Peter | Working Title |
The Apostles | Five Songs |
Artist Relief Team | Holiday Project |
Jason Marcum | Jason Marcum |
Jason Marcum | Flower |
Army of Three | Lick and Play |