Marcus Petruska on Kennesaw Mountain Marcus Petruska on Kennesaw Mountain Marcus Petruska Drumming and Concentrating

       "To Excel"

To excel is to continually perform
Not for a moment or moments
Not for a day or days
But to perform day after day
Month after month after month
And to make that uncommon performance
Look commonplace.

To excel is to take the inner drive
Of competition and not only embrace it,
But master it.

It is no wonder then, that when one
Truly excels, one is known for excellence.
It cannot be taught, or legislated, or
Willed into existence
It must come from the very depths of an
Individual's desire
To be the best."


Marcus Petruska -- Drummer/Educator/Artist



Artist Album
Zac Brown Band The Foundation
Zac Brown Band Live From the Rock Bus
Zac Brown Band Home Grown
Corey Smith The Broken Record
Corey Smith Outtakes From the GA Theatre
Corey Smith Keeping Up With the Joneses
Tyler Reeve One More Shot
Billy Pilgrim In the Time Machine
Seven Circle Sunrise Beauty in Being Alone
Stevie Monce The Broadcast
Donald Dunlavey Bon Appetone
Donna Hopkins Free to Go
Garrison Field Dawn
Garrison Field Open
Big Atomic Sketches From the Rise of @
Big Atomic Wrestling the Dragon and the Rat
Sam Thacker Above the Underneath
Brighter Shade Brighter Shade
Timothy O'Donovan Souvenirs
Sally Smithwick All of the Above
Will Boney Band I Believe
The Adventures of Kayla and Steve Cross the Bridge
Christopher Allen Yates Familiar Fire
Brian Wiltsey Rain and Flies
Francisco Vidal Band Growing Up
Jackson Rohm Sink or Swim
Justin Room to Lie
Lola Gulley The Blues Chose Me
Father Peter Working Title
The Apostles Five Songs
Artist Relief Team Holiday Project
Jason Marcum Jason Marcum
Jason Marcum Flower
Army of Three Lick and Play
© Marcus Petruska 2012